What you can expect when you arrive.

  • What should I expect during my first massage:  Your massage therapist may require you to fill out a health history form.  Afterward the therapist will begin by asking your general questions to establish what areas you would like worked on, if there are any conditions needing to be addressed, and to determine if massage is appropriate for you.  Your massage therapist may preform certain assessments and testing to evaluate your condition and to see if your have any presenting complaints.  It is IMPORTANT to list all health concerns and medications sot the therapist can adapt the session to your specific needs without doing any harm.  It is also important to list any allergies to the therapist is aware if she needs to use different lotion or oil during the session.
  • Where will my massage session take place:  Your massage or bodywork session will take place in a warm, comfortable, quiet studio.  Soft music will be played to help you relax.  You will lie on a table especially designed for your massage.
  • What should I wear during my massage:  Depending on the primary technique your therapist uses, you may or may not get undressed.  For a full body massage, most people undress completely.  However, your may choose to wear underwear.  Your massage therapist will give you privacy to undress, and you will be covered with a sheet and blanket at all times except the area being worked on.
  • How long will the massage last:  The average full body massage treatment lasts one hour to one and a half hours.  A half our appointment only allows time for a partial massage session, such as neck and shoulders, back or legs and feet.  Many people prefer a 60 to 90 minute session for optimal relaxation.
  • How will I feel after my massage therapy treatment:  Most people feel very relaxed.  Some experience freedom from long-term pain developed form tension or repetitive activity.  After an initial period of feeling slowed down, people often experience increased energy, heightened awareness and greater productivity which can last for days.  Some may feel sore or tender in some areas of the body if you receive a therapeutic massage.  Your massage therapist may recommend a hot Epsom salt bath that encourages the release of toxins that may have been stirred up from the massage treatment or ice may even be encouraged after a therapeutic massage.  And you should drink 2 to 3 extra cups of water after your massage to help flush toxins from your body.
  • How often should I get a massage:  It varies from person to person.  If you are just looking for some occasional relaxation, then a session every 3 to 6 weeks may be fine for you.  However, if you are looking to address a specific condition, then it is recommended to go more frequently at first and then taper down to a maintenance schedule.  Frequency of sessions should be discussed with your massage therapist after your treatment when she has a better hands-on understanding of your particular muscular issues.

Why you should hire me.

  • It is my goal to help my clients go from pain and suffering to little or no pain.
  • I have taken clients with almost no mobility back to 90% mobility and more.
  • Watching clients progress is what is exciting for me.
  • My desire is to help you live your most active and comfortable life.